(Basque: Agent Provocatore. Panties: La Perla. Lingerie war!)

I remember lit class back in Karelia.
"Everyone" teacher sez "has their own Madeleine cake. Just close your eyes and try 2 remember".
And everyone remembers. Blueberry pie, freshly picked green tomatoes, the smell of bread in the oven and then it's my turn and I close my eyes and then I remember.
"If I were Proust" I say it loudly -proudly "MY madeleine cake would b a bucket of Serax"

Now. Do you want to hear more about my childhood?
Press like on Facebook below.


Btw, the attorney left 2 messages on my vociemail. First asking me for a draft of my speech, then saying something about a choir and a key, that I'm supposed 2 have.


  1. i wanna hear everything, mysterious girl

  2. I bet that you, Pneumonia White, were the most intelligent child in that class. ;)

  3. You fill me up...

  4. what? i didnt know you've lived in finland

  5. Photos and story...so intriguing:)

  6. am I addicted now? your emotions and pictures mirror my past life.

  7. We need MORE this is way too short a post!

  8. i would press that little button 10 times if it was possible.

  9. i've heard so many rumours about you. i don't even know where to start, but for example... that "evan" is actually joseph gordon-levitt. is it true???

  10. Gorgeous combination of photos and text.

  11. Absolutely love this. I'm glad your blog is getting all this recognition and such! So happy for you!
