I wake up to the sound of birds. The city hasn't even begun to heat up yet, but I can't go back to sleep. The FUNERAL is getting closer and it occupies my mind, like the troops of a foreign country.

In an attempt to fight the memories, me, Black and Aloysius decide to visit Silver Lake. After 3 glasses of Pinot on the rocks @ a small mexican bar I ALMOST forget about the funeral. Then Black suddenly points to something behind me, gets up and runs out, and as I turn around I can see the back of her (my) Charles Anastase dress disappear through the doors of a thrift store. Only seconds later she returns with a huge pink plastic bag in her hands.
"I found it" she shouts for the whole street to hear. "The perfect dress for the funeral!"

The "find" is a 50s wedding dress with all neon green flowers. My face goes blank.
"That's a wedding dress" I stammer.
"I know!" she says. "But I mean, isn't a funeral really exactly the same thing as a wedding, except that you celebrate one person instead of two… and that person happens to be dead.”
I try to make a sentence, but I'm out of words. Then my phone rings and saves me. It's the attorney!
"You won't believe this" he says "but..."

OH NO, now my stupid bear is making a scene (I think it's on purpose, he's always searching for "someone's" attention these days).

I'll have to continue this post later.


  1. tell us more!cannot wait!

  2. black is crazy. do you have a pic of the dress?

  3. oh, black... btw, how is the speech writing going?

  4. I see some of her reasoning. I want to see the dress!

  5. Oooh! Darn bear! I can't wait to see the dress and hear what the attorney says...

  6. Black is great! Love her. Looking forward to read more!

    xx Paula || intergalactic radio station

  7. the tribute post to you is up on my blog, hope you enjoy it darling :)

  8. Thank you! Back to the story at hand....

  9. B is totally right- i wear black to weddings and funerals after all they are the same , what was bear wearing?

  10. so when is 32nd august exactly?

  11. Aimee, it IS a good way of reasoning. If I decide to not try to set fire to the dress (or something) I will take a picture!! X love

  12. CINCHED AT THE WAIST, don't know what aloysius is gonna wear. but probably the bow tie...

  13. Erin Z, i got a call from the attorney! gonna tell you soon (he's so confused, i don't know what to do with him)

  14. Samantha, lots of love to you. XX

  15. This is just wonderful, like a novel told day by day. Found you a week ago and now I can't stop coming here.

  16. You're writing amazing! :D
    @anonymous: the same for me!

  17. Your blog is so lovely :)

    xx Michaela

  18. Can't wait for it then!
    Ah, confused attorney aye? I guess you don't have much choice but to put up with him:)
